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Piatt County Law Enforcement Officials Share Unique Work, Life Balance

Monticello Police Chief Rob Bross and his wife, Piatt County Sheriff's Department School Resource Officer Lindsey Bross share a unique work-life balance as spouses in law enforcement in the same community.


Chief Bross has been in law enforcement for over 20 years however, Deputy Bross has only been in the field for just over a decade. Before that, she actually worked in education and now gets the best of both worlds.



Chief Bross tells the story of how the two went to school together but in 2000 they started their courtship.



When the two come home from a long day's work, they understand each other's problems unlike a lot of spouses can. But one says the other seems to attract a little more of the drama.



The two are parents and Chief Bross says it is nice to have someone that works closely with the youth and can see the things they are challenged with in a 21st-century world that may not have been issues when they were younger.



The two say the key to sharing the same line of work and being spouses is having open lines of communication, particularly as their children get older and are starting to get more involved.


Before having kids the Bross' enjoyed traveling and sharing experiences.

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